A national conference on “Innovative Practices in Teacher Education” (NCIPTE 2012) was organized by Oxford College of Education on 16th January 2012. Sub Themes:
Teacher education its policies and programmes.
Critical issues and concerns of quality teacher education.
Need of multi - media in teacher education.
Quality inputs in self -financed Teacher Education inputs.
Monitoring of self- financed teacher education institutes.
ICT and teacher education for Quality in teaching and learning.
Quality of research in teacher education.
Pedagogical Perspectives of Teacher Education.
Value generation and practice in Teacher Education.
Implementation of teacher Education: Challenging and Difficulties.
The Chief Guestfor the event was Prof. K.S. Bhandari (Msc, PhD, DSE (UK) A.T.S.E. (USSR) and is former Academics staff of NCERT and founder & director of Education SCERT, New Delhi & a UNESCO Consultant.)